Conversation Transcript

Retrieves the transcript of a processed conversation






This endpoint allows you to retrieve the transcription of a processed meeting. The transcription provides a textual representation of the spoken content during the meeting.


  • Authorization (header parameter, required): Bearer token for authentication.

  • file-hash (query parameter, required): Hash of the meeting recording file.


  • 200: Meeting transcription successfully retrieved. Returns a JSON object containing the meeting transcription (Transcription_model).

  • 400: Bad request error.

  • 401: Unauthorized error.

  • 404: Meeting not found error.

  • Other possible responses are not specified.


This is the JSON response schema for the successful 200 response:

  "Transcription": [
      "speaker": "<speaker_id>",
      "transcription": "<transcription_text>",
      "start_timestamp": "<start_timestamp>"
  • Transcription: An array of objects representing each segment of the transcription.

    • speaker: The ID of the speaker who spoke the segment.

    • transcription: The text transcription of the spoken segment.

    • start_timestamp: The start timestamp of the segment.



GET /single-feature-api/meeting/transcription?file-hash=<meeting_file_hash>


  "Transcription": [
      "speaker": "11eb454c-68d4-40f0-b965-0074bc0e688f",
      "transcription": "Speaker 1: Hello, everyone.",
      "start_timestamp": "00:00:10"
      "speaker": "637f9221-ab4a-46bb-979e-776ba541a407",
      "transcription": "Speaker 2: Good morning. How are you all doing?",
      "start_timestamp": "00:00:15"
      "speaker": "11eb454c-68d4-40f0-b965-0074bc0e688f",
      "transcription": "Speaker 1: I'm doing great. Thank you for asking.",
      "start_timestamp": "00:00:20"

This example response shows a portion of the meeting transcription where Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 exchange greetings and have a short conversation. Each segment of the transcription includes the speaker ID, the corresponding transcription text, and the start timestamp of the segment.

Last updated