Conversation Dynamics

Retrieve the dynamics of a processed meeting sliced into given time intervals.


GET /single-feature-api/meeting/meeting-dynamics


The endpoint requires the following parameters:

  • Authorization (header, required): Bearer token for authentication.

  • file-hash (query parameter, required): Hash of the meeting recording file.

  • period_seconds (query parameter, optional): Length of the period in seconds (default: 300).


  • 200: Meeting dynamics successfully retrieved.

  • 401: Unauthorized. Invalid or missing authentication token.

  • 404: Meeting not found. The specified meeting recording file hash does not exist.

  • 400: Bad request. The request is missing required parameters or contains invalid values.

Success Response

This is the JSON response for the successful 200 response:

  "dynamics": [
      "start": 0,
      "end": 300000,
      "sentiment": "Neutral",
      "energy_score": 80,
      "interactions_score": 75,
      "emotions": ["Neutral", "Happiness"]
      "start": 300000,
      "end": 600000,
      "sentiment": "Somewhat Positive",
      "energy_score": 65,
      "interactions_score": 60,
      "emotions": ["Neutral", "Happiness"]
  • dynamics (array): An array of meeting dynamics objects.

  • start (integer): The start time of the period in milliseconds.

  • end (integer): The end time of the period in milliseconds.

  • sentiment (string): The sentiment detected for the period.

  • energy_score (integer): The energy score for the period.

  • interactions_score (integer): The interactions score for the period.

  • emotions (array): An array of emotions detected in the period.

Error Responses

Unauthorized (401)

This is the JSON response for the unauthorized 401 response:

  "message": "Unauthorized"
  • message: Error message indicating unauthorized access due to an invalid or missing authentication token.

Meeting Not Found (404)

This is the JSON response for the meeting not found 404 response:

  "message": "Meeting not found"
  • message: Error message indicating that the specified meeting recording file hash does not exist.

Bad Request (400)

This is the JSON response for the bad request 400 response:

  "message": "Bad request"
  • message: Error message indicating a bad request due to missing required parameters or invalid parameter values.



GET /single-feature-api/meeting/meeting-dynamics?file-hash=7faa938dfb14e7ca8129a40a7e47bb02&period_seconds=600
Authorization: Bearer <JWT_token>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "dynamics": [
      "start": 0,
      "end": 600000,
      "sentiment": "Neutral",
      "energy_score": 80,
      "interactions_score": 75,
      "emotions": ["Neutral", "Happiness"]
      "start": 600000,
      "end": 1200000,
      "sentiment": "Somewhat Positive",
      "energy_score": 65,
      "interactions_score": 60,
      "emotions": ["Neutral", "Happiness"]

Last updated